Health Insurance (100% Campaign)
In recent decades, California has made significant strides in providing health insurance to all children. The state has reduced the number of uninsured children by half since the early 1990s, which helps to improve children's overall health and decrease health care costs borne by the public. California's county-based Children's Health Initiatives have played a central role in this success by demonstrating that covering all children is a feasible goal with tangible health status and school attendance benefits.
Yet 763,000 children still do not have health insurance in California, and more than a million California children do not have regular access to a doctor. Just half of California's children had coverage through their parents' workplace in 2005, a six percent decline in just four years. Cost is the main reason that many families forgo purchasing comprehensive health insurance. Moreover, in 2008, approximately 66,000 California children per month will be at risk of losing health coverage if the federal government does not provide sufficient funding for the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Stringent new documentation requirements may also prevent eligible children from enrolling.
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Fact & Figures 42 states have a higher percentage of insured children than California.
7% of California's children, ages 0-18, did not have insurance in 2005, essentially the same rate as in 2003; 10% were uninsured in 2001.
Only half (50%) of all children in the state had health insurance through their parents' jobs in 2005, a decrease from 55% in 2001.
Just 69% of uninsured children in California saw a doctor in the last year, compared to 90% of insured children.
Policy Recommendations
Provide health insurance access for all of California's children by expanding Medi-Cal and Healthy Families eligibility to children not currently eligible for state programs (at or below 300% FPL, regardless of immigration status), and increasing affordable options for children in higher-income families.
Ensure health insurance plans for children include comprehensive benefits – such as assessment and prevention services, dental care and mental health services – so the full range of children's medical needs are met.
Streamline state programs to further increase enrollment and retention of currently eligible children
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